About Us

Since 1983 SUM-IT Com­put­er Sys­tems has been pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal and straight­for­ward agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware to farm­ers through­out the UK and overseas.

We are proud of our reputation as a leading producer of high quality and affordable software for farms and other rural businesses.


SUM-IT have just celebrated 40 years of being the go-to provider of practical integrated farm software.


Over half of our staff have been with SUM-IT over 10 years and 25% have been with us over 25 years!
Our dedicated, expert team really set us apart.


According to a recent survey, 95% of our customers are satisfied with their SUM-IT software.
Our in-house experts go out of their way to make sure your issue gets resolved in the first call.


Over 90% of our customers have been with us over 5 years. ‘Ease of use’ and ‘exemplary support’ cited as the main reasons people stay with SUM-IT long-term.

Since 1983, we have been devel­op­ing soft­ware that is sim­ple to use and cost effec­tive, requir­ing the min­i­mum of input to gen­er­ate the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion in a flex­i­ble for­mat. With­out gim­micks or frilly add-ons, SUM-IT pro­vide reli­able agri man­age­ment tools, which can be used at any lev­el, cater­ing for begin­ners, inter­me­di­ate and advanced users wish­ing to extract the most from the system.

Our com­plete range of high­ly func­tion­al and inte­grat­ed farm pro­grams are con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­oped by keep­ing abreast of what is hap­pen­ing in the indus­try, mon­i­tor­ing leg­isla­tive changes and most of all by lis­ten­ing to what farm­ers tell us they real­ly need.

All the pro­grams are sup­plied with com­pre­hen­sive help files in plain Eng­lish and sim­ple data back-up rou­tines are built into the soft­ware in order to pro­vide max­i­mum data security.

Users have access to our renown Soft­ware Sup­port Hot­line 12 hours a day, Mon­day to Fri­day, and 6 hours on Sat­ur­days. Our friend­ly and knowl­edge­able staff are hap­py to answer any ques­tions and guide Users through get­ting the most out of their SUM-IT programs. 

Based close to the M40 in Thame, Oxford­shire, SUM-IT is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble to our clients for prod­uct demon­stra­tions and in-house training.

” I have used SUM-IT’s Total for over 20 years. The prod­uct and ser­vice is excep­tion­al”

Tracey Bee­by, MT Loos LTD