Total Field & Crop Software
Farm Crop Management Software

I can tell at the press of a but­ton how much prof­it we have made from any crop.

Monica Rennie, John Rennie & Sons (Farmers) Ltd

SUM-IT’s Total farm crop man­age­ment soft­ware is designed to pro­vide has­sle-free field records whilst giv­ing you insights to always make the most prof­itable decisions.

Become Compliant & In Control
Generate gross margin costings and aid with crop assurance schemes, including machinery servicing and store records for produce.

Our farm crop management app gives you access to all your field records out and about on the farm.

Simple To Use

Each program's strength lies in its ease of input and flexibility of reporting. Choose from either Starter (Total Forage) or Standard (Total Field) levels and both modules will integrate seamlessly with our TOTAL2 Farm Accounts.

Always Here To Help

SUM-IT's Total crop management software is backed up by our friendly support helpline. Our reliable passionate team is always happy to answer your questions and keep you going to get the job done.

Key features
  • View Indi­vid­ual Farm Field Records
  • Access Assur­ance Scheme Reports
  • Store Your NVZ Records
  • Analyse Crop Gross Margins
  • Inte­gral Stock Control
  • Plan future Crop Rotations
  • Option­al Smart­phone App to access data offline outside
  • Inte­grates with TOTAL2 Farm Accounts
  • View full fea­tures table here

From £345+vat one-off

Fully compatible with:

  • Arable Assurance Scheme Software
  • Mobile app for farm crop management software
  • Field record keeping software link to Gatekeep Spray Plans
  • Field and Crop software link to PTMapper

Key Benefits of our Farm Crop Management Software

Be in control

Be in control

Instantly view and record individual field cropping records either on a PC or smart phone and always be in control of your crops. Use the flexible season-start markers, machinery maintenance and grain store records for full record keeping. Our user-friendly dashboard shows all upcoming actions to ensure nothing gets missed.

Save time

Save time

Our crop management software has many time-saving features such as the ability to quickly switch between Hectares and Acres and links to other programs such as PT-Mapper and Gatekeeper’s spray plans to help prevent duplication of data input. Our smart phone field app allows you to add new events such as sprays or seeds as they happen.

Grow profits

Grow profits

Make the most profitable decisions with analysis of your arable costings and yields by any criteria. With features such as historical soil analysis records and the ability to plan future crop rotations as far forward as you need, you have all the tools needed to make the best business decisions.

TOTAL peace of mind

TOTAL peace of mind

Rest assured all your farm field records will be fully compliant with assurance schemes and government requirements. Generate necessary reports such as NVZ in a couple of clicks. You can also run multiple sets of field records for the price of just one program.

Secure Your Free Live Demonstration Today

Book a complimentary, no pressure demonstration with one of our friendly experts. See exactly how Total2 will look on your computer and ask us any questions you may have. Our team member will recommend the best package for your farm, with absolutely no-obligation to buy.

Simply fill out our 30 second online form and someone will be in touch to arrange the best time for the demo.

Book an interactive demonstration
Book an interactive demonstration
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Starter Field/Total Forage Software

Total Starter Field (Total Forage) provides simple farm field management software, ideal for smaller arable farms.

It is designed to pro­vide an easy-to-use and sim­ple crop man­age­ment soft­ware. It han­dles the basic data of inputs and out­puts for each field, gen­er­at­ing gross mar­gins for for­age and oth­er crops as well as main­tain­ing stock con­trol of all seed, fer­tilis­er and sprays on-farm. Full fer­tilis­er analy­sis enables an NVZ Report to be generated.

Should you wish to upgrade to the Stan­dard lev­el, this can be done at any time, with­out need­ing to re-enter any data.

Total Field Video

Standard Field Software

Total Standard Field includes all Starter Field facilities but goes further to provide enhanced levels of detail for each application to Crop Assurance Scheme standards.

This lev­el of crop plan­ning soft­ware lets you record planned oper­a­tions and import spray plans from Agron­o­mists run­ning Gate­keep­er so that Work­sheets can be sent to the mobile Total Field App. Also a wider range of ana­lyt­i­cal reports are pro­vid­ed, includ­ing mar­gin per tonne.

LER­AP Buffer Zones can be cal­cu­lat­ed and the mod­ule will link with the PT-Map­per pro­gram to dis­play indi­vid­ual field maps on demand.

All Total Stan­dard Field reports can be eas­i­ly export­ed into Excel, CSV, TXT and PDF for­mats. Opt for our online back-up ser­vice and remove the risk of ever los­ing your pre­cious data.

Total Field Video

Feature Comparison

Features Starter/Forage Standard
Field Applications
Stock Records
Crop Rotation Planner
Block-book Operations
Automatic Average Cost Price
Crop Summary Reports
Split Field Facility
Soil Analysis Records
Produce Store Weekly Checks
Sprayer Calibration Report
Machinery Maintenance Records
RB209 Information Report
NVZ Fertiliser Analysis Report
NVZ Muck Planner
Gross Margin Reports
Crop Yield Analysis
Agronomy Notes
Acres/Hectres Switch
Full Individual Field Records x
Net Margin Reports x
Record Planned Operations x
FEPA Spray Records x
Cost per Tonne Reports x
Farm Assurance Reports x
LERAP Buffer Zone Calculator x
Operator Worksheets x
Advanced Selective Reports x
Link to PT Mapper software x
Multi-Holdings x
Gatekeeper Spray Plans Importer x
Muddy Boots Cropwalker Spray Plans Importer x
Integrates with Total Accounts
Data Export to Excel & Word etc. o
Total Field App for Android Smartphones/Tablets o o
* Upgrade to Standard Field o x
Price (excl.VAT) £345 £645
O = Optional Extras. * Upgrade option to Standard Field from Starter Field/Total Forage costs £345. Purchase prices above include first 3 months Gold Level Support & Updates. Full range of annual Support options thereafter, see our Support page for more details.

Optional Modules and Equipment

Farm Crop Management App

You can record any event as it happens with the Total Field App running on any Android Smartphone or Tablet. Save hours of admin time back in the office.

This imports the field data from either Total Field or Total Forage onto the device, enabling the user to review what has happened on each field when field walking and input new events, such as spray jobs, as they happen outside. This data can then be synchronised with Total Field/Total Forage back on the office PC via WiFi at anytime.

Patchwork BlackBox Module

This enables you to download fieldwork entered onto a Patchwork BlackBox directly into the Total Standard Field Management software to avoid unnecessary data duplication.

TOTAL2 Accounts Module

Choose from either cashbook or full farm accounts levels and both modules can either be run as stand-alone programs or will integrate seamlessly with Field modules.

Field Leaflet

Looking to print out all the features of our Total Field program? Click here for a printable overview.

Forage Leaflet

For even more insight into the Total Forage module, please click the button below.

Hardware Requirements

Total software operates on Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server. Suitable hardware should have a minimum of 4GB Ram and the software will require 500MB of Hard Disk capacity plus an internet connection to receive program updates and communicate with HMRC and BCMS. Need help with purchasing your farm computer? Our experienced team can help.

Bespoke Software Development

If you have a specific software requirement not covered by our main product range then please contact us and ask about our bespoke software development.

Want to see it in action?

We are currently offering free live no-obligation demonstrations of all our programs.
Book your demo today.

Alternatively, call us on 01844 213003