PC Hardware
Farmers IT System

Trust us to sort out all your farm computer system needs.

Here at SUM-IT we are hap­py to pro­vide you with the com­plete solu­tion for your farm office, offer­ing a range of trust­ed hard­ware to go with your SUM-IT software.

We have a range of com­put­er sys­tems to suit all types of farm busi­ness and budget.

With PCs and lap­tops, we sup­ply both new and re-fur­bished options to cater for all dif­fer­ent requirements.

Let us take care of pur­chas­ing, installing and set­ting up your new farm com­put­er. Even after your pur­chase, we are always on hand to help with any issues or queries you may have.

We under­stand what farm­ers need and can rec­om­mend the best farm­ers IT sys­tem to suit your farm business.

Key Features
  • All sys­tems pre-tested
  • Full back­up service
  • Sin­gle PCs or net­works provided
  • Anti-Virus & Fire­wall included

Call for a quote

New PCs
New PCs

For new PCs, SUM-IT offer a range of Fujit­su and Dell com­put­ers to suit all types of farm busi­ness and bud­get. These have proven to be very reli­able, built with high qual­i­ty com­po­nents and backed by sound three year on-site warranties.

New Notebooks
New Notebooks

If your far­m’s need is for a more portable, small­er unit then we also sup­ply a range of busi­ness note­book PCs.

These offer great spec­i­fi­ca­tions for excel­lent val­ue. You can choose what size screen and lev­el of proces­sor pow­er you need, depend­ing on the type of usage you have for it.

Refurbished PCs & Notebooks
Refurbished PCs & Notebooks

Alter­na­tive­ly, you may not need the lat­est spec­i­fi­ca­tion of com­put­er and we find many users have hard­ware require­ments bet­ter suit­ed to a refur­bished unit. Maybe it is going in a dusty or damp envi­ron­ment such as a grain store or milk­ing par­lour office where a new PC would quick­ly lose its shine. 

Here is where our high qual­i­ty, ex-cor­po­rate PCs and Note­books real­ly come into their own – low cost, very reli­able, brand­ed units (typ­i­cal­ly Leno­vo & HP) with a clean hard disk pre-loaded with Win­dows 10, they are sup­plied with brand new key­board and mouse and offer a very sen­si­ble solu­tion for many situations.


For users wish­ing to run one of our farm man­age­ment Apps we offer a rugged tablet solu­tion. The 7″ ver­sion of the Ama­zon Fire offers an ide­al size to view your records — large enough to see a rea­son­able amount of ani­mals or fields on one screen but small enough to take in a jack­et pock­et. We also pro­vide it in a tough pro­tec­tive case to keep it safe when outside.

Hardware Installation

All hard­ware instal­la­tions com­mence with us iden­ti­fy­ing what you wish to use your PC for, to best deter­mine the most suit­able lev­el of hard­ware that you require. We can also sup­ply any type and size of screen with your PC, depend­ing on your wishes.

Each com­put­er is ful­ly test­ed by us on com­mis­sion, with all spec­i­fied soft­ware pre-installed, includ­ing pow­er­ful anti-virus and fire­wall pro­tec­tion with free updates. We can either set up new Inter­net accounts for you or trans­fer exist­ing ones across from your pre­vi­ous PC, along with any oth­er rel­e­vant doc­u­ments and data.

We also pro­vide a range of print­ers and oth­er periph­er­als to han­dle all types of requirements.

Call us now 01844 213003