Total Dairy Farm Software
Herd Management Software

Our Total Dairy pro­gram always impress­es the Assur­ance inspectors! 

Jean Tincknell, Wedmore, Somerset

SUM-IT’s herd man­age­ment soft­ware, Total Dairy and Dairy­Mate, are both designed as prac­ti­cal tools to make farm­ing your dairy cow herd eas­i­er and more profitable.

Feel Compliant & In Control
Total Dairy is designed to offer a comprehensive yet easy-to-use herd management system, including all functionality provided at the DairyMate level.

Our dairy software program provides an easy way of storing all necessary records and generates a wide range of legislative, management and analytical reports - hassle-free compliance.

Reduce Your Data Input Time
The Total Dairy software links to many parlour and heat detection systems and will integrate seamlessly with the TOTAL2 Farm Accounts program too.

You Are Never Alone
SUM-IT's dairy farm software is backed up by our friendly Support Helpline. Our reliable team is always happy to answer your questions and keep you going to get the job done.

Key features
  • View indi­vid­ual cow records
  • Gen­er­ate fer­til­i­ty action lists
  • Analyse mas­ti­tis treatments
  • Noti­fy BCMS/Scot­Moves+/NIFAIS with births/​movements
  • Links with mul­ti­ple par­lour & heat detec­tion programs
  • Make accu­rate milk predictions
  • Access your herd data on a smart­phone or tablet with our dairy farm app
  • Seam­less links to Milk Record­ing Services
  • Inte­grates with our dairy farm account­ing soft­ware.
  • View full fea­tures table

From £345+vat

Fully compatible with:

  • Dairy software link to BCMS, ScotEID and NIFAIS
  • Dairy management software link to parlours and heat detection systems
  • Mobile app for dairy farm software
  • Dairy herd management software link to QMMS
  • Dairy farm software link to NMR
  • Dairy software program link to CIS

Key Benefits of our Herd Management Software

Be in control

Be in control

View comprehensive individual cow records including full youngstock records and use our dashboard to keep track of any upcoming actions or events. Prepare action lists for your vet to assist with pre-visit planning and check bloodlines don’t cross over with Relations report.

Save time

Save time

Import milk records from QMMS, CIS & NMR and link to you parlour/heat detection systems to prevent repeated data entry. Other time saving features include block booking events to multiple animals in a single entry & our smart phone app to update actions as they happen.

Grow profits

Grow profits

Our dairy management software makes it easy for you to make the most profitable decisions with accurate insightful data. This includes submission/conception rates, accurate milk quota predictions and dairy herd health planning.

TOTAL peace of mind

TOTAL peace of mind

Total Dairy allows you to be 100% compliant with all regulatory bodies. Automatically notify BCMS/ScotMoves+ to apply for passport applications and notify movements, send pedigree registrations to Holstein UK and print off NOAH format Medicine Book.

Secure Your Free Live Demonstration Today

Book a complimentary, no pressure demonstration with one of our friendly experts. See exactly how Total2 will look on your computer and ask us any questions you may have. Our team member will recommend the best package for your farm, with absolutely no-obligation to buy.

Simply fill out our 30 second online form and someone will be in touch to arrange the best time for the demo.

Book an interactive demonstration
Book an interactive demonstration
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Total Dairy Program

Practical & Powerful Dairy Farm Software

Total Dairy pro­vides cat­tle move­ment and herd reg­is­ter records plus a med­i­cine book that sat­is­fies Health Assur­ance record­ing require­ments. When enter­ing calv­ing details the sys­tem will then noti­fy BCMS or Scot­Moves+ for a Pass­port Appli­ca­tion for each calf. Also any move­ments on and off the hold­ing can be sub­mit­ted direct to BCMS or Scot­Moves+ from the software.

With Total Dairy you get detailed indi­vid­ual cow records cov­er­ing all aspects of fer­til­i­ty, milk records, calv­ing his­to­ries and genealogy.

The pro­gram gen­er­ates full action lists and feed ration sheets, analy­ses the phys­i­cal and finan­cial per­for­mance of the herd, and fore­casts milk pro­duc­tion against Quo­ta. Full links with all milk record­ing ser­vices avoids dupli­ca­tion of records and inter­face mod­ules let the soft­ware syn­chro­nise with the milk­ing par­lour sys­tems and smartphones/​tablet PCs.

For a full list of com­pat­i­ble Parlour/​Heat Detec­tion Sys­tems click here : Total Dairy Par­lour Links

All Total Dairy reports can be eas­i­ly export­ed into Excel, CSV, TXT and PDF for­mat. Opt for our online back-up ser­vice and you will remove the risk of ever los­ing your pre­cious data.

Total Dairy Software Explained


SUM-IT’s DairyMate software is designed as an entry-level program to keep your herd records up to date and provide basic management reports.

It is a very sim­ple to use herd man­age­ment tool and is ide­al for dairy farm­ers look­ing to move up from man­u­al records to computerisation.

New events can be quick­ly entered onto the pro­gram, instant­ly updat­ing a range of reports, includ­ing noti­fy­ing BCMS/​ScotMoves+ elec­tron­i­cal­ly of all pass­port appli­ca­tions and movements.

  • Easy access to your whole herd
  • Cur­rent action lists instant­ly tell you who’s due to calve, be served, dried off, PDed etc
  • All births, deaths, pur­chas­es and sales auto­mat­i­cal­ly update the Statu­to­ry Move­ments Book
  • Auto­mat­i­cal­ly sends your pass­port appli­ca­tions and stock move­ments to BCMS or ScotMoves+
  • Records and analy­ses all cas­es and treat­ments for mas­ti­tis and lameness
  • Gen­er­ates NOAH Med­i­cine Book to print out on demand for any reg­u­la­to­ry bodies
  • Eas­i­ly export all events since a pre­vi­ous milk record­ing onto your NMR/CIS milk recorder’s disk
  • Milk pro­duc­tion and bulk tank analy­sis reports with forecasting
  • An easy-to-read Herd Fer­til­i­ty Chart helps ensure you do not miss any cows get­ting back into calf
  • Sim­ple herd man­age­ment soft­ware instal­la­tion includes your full dairy herd data pre-loaded for you, ready for use
  • Access to 12 hour tele­phone sup­port and updates
  • Dairy­Mate data is ful­ly upgrade­able to SUM-ITs Total Dairy software

DairyMate Farm Software Options Screen

DairyMate Farm Software Options Screen

Feature Comparison

Features DairyMate Total Dairy
Livestock Sales & Purchases
Records all Calving Details
Statutory Stock Movement Reports
Passports/Movements to BCMS or ScotMoves+
BCMS/ScotMoves+ Instant Reconciliation
Dairy Herd Book Register x
Records fertility & health events
Drug Treatments & Basic Medicine Book
Fertility Action Lists & Events Diary
Bulling/Service/PD/Dry/Calf Due Dates
Johnes Testing Reports (QMMS Clients Only)
QMMS Reports (QMMS Clients Only)
Mobility/Condition Scoring
NOAH Medicine Book
Fertility Action Chart & Table
Dairy Herd Health Planning & Analysis
Medicine/Semen/Feed Stock Control x
Block-booking of Events x
TB Movements Control x
Submission & Conception Rates x
Milk Recording & Analysis
Individual Animal Record Cards x
Past Lactation Calving Histories x
Unlimited Pedigree Records x
EBV’s x
Feed Calculations (In/Out of Parlour) x
Herd Summary Statistics
Milk Production Forecast
Pedigree Registrations to HUK x
Selective Performance Reports x
Youngstock/Beef Records x
Multi-Herd Capability x
Data Export to Word/Excel etc. o
Smartphone Dairy App o o
Parlour Interface Module x o
* Upgrade to Standard Total Dairy x
Price (excl.VAT) £345 £695
O = Optional Extras. * Upgrade Option from DairyMate to Total Dairy costs £395. Purchase prices above include first 3 months Gold Level Support & Updates. Full range of annual Support options thereafter, see our Support page for more details.

Optional Modules and Equipment

Total Bovine App

You can record any event as it happens with the Total Bovine App running on an Android Smartphone or Tablet. This imports the herd data from Total Dairy or DairyMate onto the device to either review what has happened to each cow or input new events, such as services, calvings, drug treatments, as you do them outside. This data can then be synchronised with Total Dairy or DairyMate back on the office PC via WiFi at anytime.

Parlour Interface Module

The Parlour Interface Module links Total Dairy to many in-parlour recording and heat detection systems (see the list here Total Parlour Links) so that there is no need for dual input of data. Milk yields can be automatically updated on each cow record from the parlour and new feed can be calculated and sent back with other activities onto the parlour system. Please contact us with details of your parlour or heat detection system and we can discuss the options available.

Milk Recording Partnerships

Apart from generic links with NMR and CIS, we work in close partnership with Quality Milk Management Services (QMMS) who provide a very cost-effective and consultative milk testing service.

Led by Dr Andrew Bradley, an RCVS recognised specialist vet in cattle health and production, QMMS combine each client's milk testing results with their herd's fertility and health data to highlight how the client can improve the overall health and performance of their client's dairy enterprise.


Furthermore, QMMS have gone on to design a universal dairy data analysis tool, TotalVet, developed by SUM-IT, that enables vets, consultants and farmers to look at any herd's records in great depth, identifying trends and providing a common benchmarking tool regardless of the source of original herd data.

Electronic Weigher Interface Module

Imports weigh session files from Tru-Test, Gallagher and Iconix weighers into the Total Standard Dairy Module. From the imported weigh data, Daily Liveweight Gains are automatically calculated and a range of reports and scatter graphs can then provide in-depth analysis on the growth rates across individual animals.

TOTAL2 Accounts Module

Choose from either cashbook or full farm accounts levels and both modules can either be run as stand-alone programs or will integrate seamlessly with the Total Dairy module.

Total Dairy Leaflet

Looking to print out all the features of our Total Dairy program? Click here for a printable overview.

DairyMate Leaflet

For even more insight into the DairyMate module, please click the button below.

Hardware Requirements

Total software operates on Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server. Suitable hardware should have a minimum of 4GB Ram and the software will require 500MB of Hard Disk capacity plus an internet connection to receive program updates and communicate with HMRC and BCMS. Need help with purchasing your farm computer? Our experienced team can help.

Bespoke Software Development

If you have a specific software requirement not covered by our main product range then please contact us and ask about our bespoke software development.

Want to see it in action?

We are currently offering free live no-obligation demonstrations of all our programs.
Book your demo today.

Alternatively, call us on 01844 213003