Farm Software
Feel In Total Control

Our Farm Management Software

Regain Full Control With Our No-Nonsense Farm Software

If you’re look­ing for a solu­tion to make your farm admin super sim­ple and stream­lined, you’ve come to the right place.

SUM-IT’s com­plete range of farm soft­ware can han­dle all your farm’s record­ing needs, with­out the fuss. Elim­i­nate messy paper­work or con­stant­ly updat­ing mul­ti­ple Excel spread­sheets & gain more time to spend out on the farm.

Our soft­ware for farm­ers is extreme­ly sim­ple to use, cost-effec­tive and backed-up by our 12hr/​day 5* cus­tomer support.

Choose from either ful­ly inte­grat­ed sys­tems or sep­a­rate stand-alone pro­grams.

The Total pro­gram is now an inte­gral tool to run­ning our business.

It gives us con­fi­dence that we have the answers for the farm assur­ance vis­it, the accoun­tant, bank man­ag­er and most impor­tant­ly ourselves.”

Read more about Chris and Jayne Bak­er at Wind­mill Farm

Regain Full Control With Our No-Nonsense Farm Software

Total Integration Packages

Starter Total

Our com­plete entry-lev­el pack­age inte­grat­ing our cash­book accounts, live­stock and crop man­age­ment programs.

Standard Total

Our com­pre­hen­sive pack­age that does it all. Includ­ing our full accounts pro­gram and all the live­stock and field record keep­ing you need.

Farm Diversification Software

Our cus­tomer and job track­ing soft­ware makes it so sim­ple to keep track of all your diver­si­fi­ca­tion projects, ensur­ing you don’t miss any pay­ments or actions.

Eas­i­ly track the real-time prof­itabil­i­ty of your farm diver­si­fi­ca­tion. Make the most informed decisions. 

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Accounts, Invoicing & Wages

TOTAL2 Accounts

Our Brand NEW next gen­er­a­tion farm accounts. Save time and stress with our pow­er­ful yet straight­for­ward accounts solution.

Total Invoicing

Auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­ate invoic­es using cus­tomised head­ers and foot­ers, post­ed direct­ly into our farm Accounts.

Total Contractors Diary

Eas­i­ly record & view jobs/​stocks booked to each client. Also includes auto­mat­ic invoice generation.

Total Payroll

Takes care of all your far­m’s wages needs, with direct links to HMRC and exports Work­place Pen­sion data.

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Cropping & NVZ Records

Total Field

The prac­ti­cal crop record­ing soft­ware that’s sim­ple to dri­ve, sat­is­fies Pro­duce Assur­ance needs and pro­vides Crop Gross Margins.

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Dairy Herd Management


An entry-lev­el pro­gram to keep your dairy herd records up to date and pro­vide basic man­age­ment reports.

Total Dairy

A com­pre­hen­sive herd man­age­ment tool to be in com­plete con­trol of your milk­ing herd, young­stock and any beef enterprise.

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Beef & Sheep Management

Total Beef

Choose to record just leg­isla­tive details with Starter or utilise com­plete cat­tle man­age­ment records and full per­for­mance analy­sis with Standard.

Total Sheep

Full flock move­ment records with EIDs plus health records and cost­ings or upgrade to full indi­vid­ual pedi­gree records.

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Total Farm Apps

Smart­phone and tablet soft­ware to give you instant access to your far­m’s data wher­ev­er you are.

Total Bovine App

Designed to run with Total Dairy, Dairy­Mate or Starter or Stan­dard Total Beef Modules.

Total Field App

Designed to run with either Starter or Stan­dard Total Field Modules.

Total Contractors App

Designed to run with the Con­trac­tors Diary Module.

Total Sheep App

Designed to run with the Stan­dard Total Sheep Man­age­ment Module.

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Bespoke Software Development

If you have a specific software requirement not covered by our main product range then please contact us and ask about our bespoke software development.

How do I find out more?

If you would like to see the software for yourself, you can request a free on-line or on-farm demonstration, with no obligation, via our Contact Form.

Call us now 01844 213003