Support FAQ's

Across the year our Software Support line handles between 40-60 calls a day on average, covering a wide range of queries.

Below are a few of the more com­mon ques­tions we get asked:

Get­ting Set-Up

Q. What is the process of get­ting my farm up and run­ning on your software?

A. Once we have helped you decide on the right program(s) for your spe­cif­ic needs, we will send you a link for you to down­load the soft­ware onto your PC. The set-up is very straight for­ward and our patient and knowl­edge­able sup­port team can help talk you through it all if required. We can also help move over any data you may have stored else­where such as with BCMS or your par­lour soft­ware. We also offer train­ing ses­sions if you would like us to sup­port you more in-depth with spe­cif­ic areas of your software.

Total Accounts

Q. I have amend­ed the val­ue on a paid invoice. Why does it now tell me the dif­fer­ence is overdue?

A. We store the pay­ments details of an invoice sep­a­rate to the invoice itself, as you may wish to pay for sev­er­al invoic­es with one pay­ment, so you will need to amend the pay­ment amount sep­a­rate­ly via Actions/​Usage, Amend Pay­ments and Receipts. Enter the pay ref­er­ence and date range to nar­row down your selec­tion then dou­ble-click on the rel­e­vant invoice line to amend the value.

Q. How do I re-print an invoice?

A. Go to Actions/​Usage, Re-print Invoic­es, enter the cus­tomer name and select the rel­e­vant invoice num­ber from the drop-down window.

Q. I want to add a new nom­i­nal head­ing but don’t seem to have any spare blank codes?

A. Go to Total Con­fig­u­ra­tion, go to the top left and select View then Full List to dis­play any blank head­ings under each nom­i­nal type. If there are no blank head­ings vis­i­ble to use then go to Accounts, Para­me­ters, Gen­er­al on the left and on the right half of the screen you will be able to dou­ble-click on the rel­e­vant nom­i­nal type to increase the num­ber of head­ings required.

Total Pay­roll

Q. I need to re-print my payslips for an ear­li­er pay period?

A. Go to View Reports, click on the drop-down arrow and select Peri­od Sum­ma­ry then Pro­ceed. In the Sum­ma­ry screen select the rel­e­vant pay peri­od and click on Print Pre­view to dis­play the payslips.

Total Dairy & Total Beef

Q. I have noti­fied some move­ments man­u­al­ly, how do I clear down the wait­ing list on Total to send to BCMS/​ScotMoves+?

A. Dou­ble-click on the noti­fi­ca­tion reminder on the Total Options screen and when the list of move­ments are dis­played, click on the Main­te­nance but­ton at the bot­tom, select the cor­rect date to only clear down the move­ments you need to (Note. These must be old­er move­ments than any you wish to retain on the list). Also un-tick the pass­ports check-box if there are any that you wish to retain on the list. Then click on the Com­mit but­ton and, when prompt­ed for a pass­word, enter 2130 then click on Proceed.

Q. How do I only show those bulls on my Semen List that are active?

A. Go to Total Con­fig­u­ra­tion, dou­ble-click on the Dead­stock fold­er in the bot­tom left of the screen. Under­neath that click on the fold­er called Semen to dis­play the bull list on the right-hand side. Now dou­ble-click on any bull that you wish to de-acti­vate. In the win­dow look for the Applic­a­ble To box, click on the Down Arrow and remove any ticks by click­ing on them. Final­ly, click on Commit.

N.B. If you click on View, Full List at the top left of the Con­fig­u­ra­tion screen then the old bulls will be vis­i­ble should you need to res­ur­rect them.

Total Field

Q. How do I mark that a new sea­son has start­ed in a field?

A. Go into View Indi­vid­ual Field, dou­ble-click on the field you wish to amend to dis­play its full record. Click on the right tab labelled Crop­ping and then dou­ble-click on the red line labelled Add New Record and enter the new crop details.

Q. How do I only show those chem­i­cals on my Spray List that are active?

A. Go to Total Con­fig­u­ra­tion, dou­ble-click on the Dead­stock fold­er in the bot­tom left of the screen. Under­neath that click on the fold­er called Sprays to dis­play the spray list on the right-hand side. Now dou­ble-click on any spray that you wish to de-acti­vate. In the win­dow look for the Applic­a­ble To box, click on the Down Arrow and remove the tick by click­ing on it. Final­ly, click on Commit.

N.B. If you click on View, Full List at the top of the Con­fig­u­ra­tion screen then the old sprays will be vis­i­ble should you need to res­ur­rect them.

If you would like to speak to our Sup­port Team to dis­cuss your spe­cif­ic query in more detail then don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us on 01844 213003 (Silver/​Gold Con­tract) or 0906 5501086 (Bronze Con­tract /​No Sup­port @ £1.10 /​minute).