Total Payroll Software
Farm Payroll Software

It’s great that the pay­roll mod­ule links so well with HMRC so that all the records they need can be trans­mit­ted elec­tron­i­cal­ly. Very easy to use and tremen­dous back­up and sup­port if we need it.

Alec Sharples, Ruthin, Wales

SUM-IT’s farm pay­roll soft­ware takes the stress out of farm employ­ment. Car­ry out wage, tax & pen­sion cal­cu­la­tions at the click of a button.

Payroll Built For Farmers
Our Ag payroll software is built with the agricultural industry in mind.

Total Payroll handles both hourly and period paid employees, multiple overtime rates etc. See below for details on our Daily Casuals Module and Piece Worker Software.

Make Paying Staff Quick & Easy
Total Payroll calculates all Tax, National Insurance and Pension deductions and prints/emails full payslips. It generates all figures required for month and year-end returns.

Furthermore it also seamlessly integrates with our Total Farm Accounts Software.

Expert Help Just a Phone Call Away
SUM-IT's farm payroll software is backed up by our friendly support helpline. Our dedicated passionate team is always happy to answer your questions and keep you going to get your payroll sorted.

Key features
  • Cal­cu­lates your farm wages instantly
  • Sub­mits RTI Data direct on-line to HMRC
  • Han­dles Auto Enrol­ment Pensions
  • Unlim­it­ed num­ber of employees
  • No spe­cial payslip sta­tionery needed
  • Runs mul­ti­ple ag com­pa­ny payrolls
  • Inte­grates with TOTAL2 Accounts
  • Dai­ly Casu­als Module

From £295+vat

Fully compatible with:

  • Farm payroll HMRC compatible
  • Farm payroll link to accounts software
  • Agricultural payroll program linked to pension schemes
  • Agri payroll link to accountants layout

Key Benefits of our Farm Payroll Software

Be in Control

Be in Control

Have access to individuals’ records, upcoming wage bills and tax in an instant. The farmer-friendly front screen will always alert you to any upcoming actions required and features such as employee calendars and printable timesheets gives you full control.

Save Time

Save Time

Our farm payroll software is easy to use, allowing you to prepare your wages in only a few minutes. It will automatically calculate tax and pension contributions and you can even export BACS payment files to your bank’s website, making monthly pay runs a breeze.

Grow Profits

Grow Profits

Our program automatically calculates any tax and pension contributions and the dashboard will alert you to any upcoming payments, meaning you will never need to worry about inaccurate or missed payments. Email payslips directly and save associated printing costs.

TOTAL Peace of Mind

TOTAL Peace of Mind

Submit your Real Time Information direct to HMRC and export workplace pension contribution files, making it easy to keep to all your legal obligations. With on-going updates, you can be rest assured all these links as well as tax and NI tables will be kept current.

Secure Your Free Live Demonstration Today

Book a complimentary, no pressure demonstration with one of our friendly experts. See exactly how Total2 will look on your computer and ask us any questions you may have. Our team member will recommend the best package for your farm, with absolutely no-obligation to buy.

Simply fill out our 30 second online form and someone will be in touch to arrange the best time for the demo.

Book an interactive demonstration
Book an interactive demonstration
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Total Farm Payroll Software

Total Payroll automatically carries out all required calculations, including taxes, leave and pension contributions. The relevant data is then sent direct to HMRC & employees.

Auto­mat­ed Pay­roll
Eas­i­ly put in each employ­ees’ pay, week­ly, month­ly or even dai­ly. Our pay­roll soft­ware will then sort out the rest.

Seam­less Links With HMRC
Sub­mit pay­ment and deduc­tion details to HMRC each pay­day elec­tron­i­cal­ly through Total Payroll.

Payslips Sort­ed
Auto­mat­i­cal­ly pro­duce pro­fes­sion­al payslips which can be print­ed or emailed to employees.

Reduced Data Input
When run along­side the TOTAL2 Accounts, the Total Pay­roll Mod­ule will update the Accounts with all pay­ment details each pay period.

Work­place Pen­sions
Ful­ly inte­grat­ed Auto Enrol­ment cal­cu­la­tions save you time and stress. Eas­i­ly gen­er­ate com­pat­i­ble files to upload to Work­place Pen­sion web­sites for Nest, Peo­ple’s Pen­sion, Now Pen­sion and Smart Pension.

Ready To Go
You can start using Total Pay­roll at any time in the PAYE Tax Year. 

One-Off Afford­able Price
Choose from Small ver­sion (up to 3 employ­ees) £295 + VAT or Stan­dard ver­sion (Unlim­it­ed employ­ees) £495VAT.

Total Payroll Video

Daily Casuals Module for Beaters and Harvest Workers

Easily handle the payment and reporting of Daily Casual Workers, such as Harvest Workers and Beaters, under the latest RTI regulations.

Sim­ply record which Casu­al Work­ers have been paid on any giv­en day, declar­ing that they were only tak­en on for that day only and there­fore were not liable for Tax or NI.

You com­pile a list of which work­ers could be attend­ing, with their basic employ­ment details, and then each day you sim­ply tick which ones worked on that day and input how much they were paid.

The mod­ule, in con­junc­tion with the Total Pay­roll soft­ware, will then sub­mit an FPS elec­tron­i­cal­ly to HMRC to cov­er that day’s activity.

The Dai­ly Casu­als Mod­ule costs £200 + VAT.

Daily Casuals Pay Input screen

Daily Casuals Pay Input screen

Total Piece Worker Module

SUM-IT's Total Piece Worker is a complete system to streamline and automate the whole process of capturing hand-picked produce records across multiple harvest sites right the way through to generating individual picker payslips.

Out­side in the pick­ing loca­tion each Pick­er wears a water­proof wrist­band con­tain­ing an NFC chip stor­ing their identity.

As they present their picked pro­duce to the Site Man­ag­er, their wrist­band is scanned by our rugged Mobile Data Log­ger run­ning the Piece Work­er App (offline).

Scanning the wristband
Scan­ning the wristband

Then the picker’s record appears on-screen and the quan­ti­ty of pro­duce is record­ed along with the loca­tion and time/​date.

The picker’s record appears on-screen
The picker’s record appears on-screen

When con­ve­nient the Piece Work­er App sends the pick­ing data either over 3G from the field or via local WiFi back to Total Piece Work­er on the main Farm Office PC or Server.

The Piece Worker App sends the picking data
The Piece Work­er App sends the pick­ing data

Reports then help you quick­ly rec­on­cile what was picked against what’s in the store. Once checked, the data is trans­ferred into the Total Pay­roll sys­tem to cal­cu­late each picker’s actu­al pay after Tax, NI and oth­er deduc­tions then indi­vid­ual payslips are print­ed off on either plain A4 or self-seal­ing stationery.

Con­tact us to dis­cuss your requirements.

Picker wearing NFC Chip

Picker wearing NFC Chip

Optional Modules and Equipment

TOTAL2 Accounts Module

Our next generation farm-specific accounts allows you to keep on top of your farm accounts with ease. TOTAL2 accounts integrates seamlessly with the Payroll module.

Payroll Leaflet

Looking to print out all the features of our Total Payroll program? Click here for a printable overview.

Hardware Requirements

Total software operates on Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server. Suitable hardware should have a minimum of 4GB Ram and the software will require 500MB of Hard Disk capacity plus an internet connection to receive program updates and communicate with HMRC and BCMS. Need help with purchasing your farm computer? Our experienced team can help.

Bespoke Software Development

If you have a specific software requirement not covered by our main product range then please contact us and ask about our bespoke software development.

Want to see it in action?

We are currently offering free live no-obligation demonstrations of all our programs.
Book your demo today.

Alternatively, call us on 01844 213003