EID Readers
Sheep Tag Readers

We sell EID sheep tag readers to save you time and increase the accuracy of your flock records.

We sup­ply two types of EID device, cater­ing for both lev­els of data capture.

The EID Read­er is a tool that can scan live­stock EIDs, store the list on the read­er and down­load it to your PC.

The Speeda­ta KT50 EID Log­ger is a tool that uses RFID tech­nol­o­gy to scan EID Tags and record data against them.

Data can be uploaded straight into our sheep man­age­ment and cat­tle man­age­ment soft­ware, sav­ing you time and money.

Key Features
  • Scan live­stock EIDs, store the list on the read­er and down­load it to your PC
  • Record data against an EID Tag as you scan it
  • Data can be down­loaded into the Total Sheep & Cat­tle Software
EID Reader
EID Reader

The EID Read­er is a tool that can scan live­stock EIDs, store the list on the read­er and down­load it to your PC. This type is very use­ful for scan­ning large groups of ani­mals, par­tic­u­lar­ly when they come on or leave your holding.

The mod­el we sup­ply for this is the All­flex RS420 EID Stick Read­er at £645.00.
This comes in a rugged case.

Allflex full kit

We also sup­ply a wire­less mobile print­er that com­mu­ni­cates with the stick via Blue­tooth. This enables you to print out a list of all the tags scanned as you move the ani­mals.
The cost of the print­er is £250.00.


Our soft­ware also links with oth­er EID devices includ­ing the Tru-Test XRS Stick, Shear­well SDL 400 Stick, Agri­dent AWR100/200 and Bio­con­trol HHR 3000 Stick.

Speedata KT50 EID Logger
Speedata KT50 EID Logger

The Speeda­ta KT50 EID Log­ger is a tool that uses RFID tech­nol­o­gy to scan EID Tags and record data against them. The Speeda­ta KT50 pro­vides an ide­al solu­tion to access­ing your cat­tle and sheep records when out­side, sim­ply by either scan­ning an ani­mal’s EID Tag or by enter­ing part of the eartag into the search box on-screen. 

Using SUM-IT’s Beef and Sheep Apps on it, you can record infor­ma­tion includ­ing breed­ing, births, weights, treat­ments and move­ments as they hap­pen, either indi­vid­u­al­ly or by set­ting the action to be repeat­ed as you scan or select each ani­mal. This data is then syn­chro­nised, via WiFi or Inter­net, with the Total Live­stock Soft­ware on your PC to save you hav­ing to enter the data separately.

The Speeda­ta KT50 costs £795.00. SUM-IT Live­stock Apps start at £95.00 per annum.

All prices exclude car­riage and VAT.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about these EID tools please go to our Down­loads page or con­tact us on 01844 213003 for a chat.

Call us now 01844 213003