08 December 2022

The next generation of SUM-IT Software is nearly here

To be launched at LAMMA, TOTAL2 Accounts is the first module to be released in the next generation of TOTAL2 software, providing a wide degree of versatility to suit any size or type of farm enterprise.

SUM-IT’s Sales Direc­tor, Ben John, explains: One of the most impor­tant fac­tors with all soft­ware these days is acces­si­bil­i­ty and we knew that while many of our users will ben­e­fit from oper­at­ing TOTAL2 Accounts in the Cloud, there are a con­sid­er­able pro­por­tion of SUM-IT users based in rur­al loca­tions with weak broad­band ser­vice and there­fore run­ning their accounts in the Cloud just isn’t an option for them. It was there­fore crit­i­cal to pro­vide the flex­i­bil­i­ty of both Cloud and Local options with our new TOTAL2 platform”. 

TOTAL2 Accounts pro­vides both cash­book and full account­ing modes, so you can either keep it very sim­ple with record­ing your paid pur­chas­es and receipts or have the flex­i­bil­i­ty to enter unpaid invoic­es, get the VAT reclaimed and track what’s out­stand­ing at any time. Either way, you are able to analyse indi­vid­ual enter­prise gross mar­gins and spe­cif­ic machin­ery cost­ings at the click of a button.

Full links to HMRC’s Mak­ing Tax Dig­i­tal ser­vice take care of the VAT Returns and will address MTD ITSA sub­mis­sions when they start in 2026.

Accoun­tants also get a free Audi­tor ver­sion of TOTAL2 Accounts soft­ware to either log into their client’s data online, once autho­rised by the client, or access an emailed copy of the data, mak­ing it easy to view the data for Year-End Auditing.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please con­tact Ben or Cait­lyn on 01844 213003.