04 January 2022

Pick up a FREE Barcode Scanner with every January Cattle Software order

For January 2022, we are providing a FREE Barcode Scanner with every order of either Starter or Standard Total Cattle modules.

For Jan­u­ary 2022, we are pro­vid­ing a FREE Bar­code Scan­ner with every order of either Starter or Stan­dard Total Cat­tle modules. 

See here for what these mod­ules can offer you. 

Run Total Cat­tle as either a stand­alone mod­ule, to main­tain reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance and track herd and ani­mal per­for­mance, or inte­grate seam­less­ly with Total Accounts, to update all aspects of pur­chase and sale records in one place. Use the Mobile Total Beef App to access and update your records when away from the office.

We can also, as an option­al extra, build your ini­tial herd data from your BCMS records to get you up and run­ning the same day.

Please get in touch with Ben on 01844 213003 if you would like to sched­ule a FREE demon­stra­tion of Total Cattle.