28 September 2023

Autumn Newsletter 2023

We hope the harvest season has been a productive and fruitful one for many of you - we invite you now to take a little well-deserved break, make yourself a nice warm cuppa and enjoy some of our latest news to help you keep on top of your farm management.

3 Minute Snap­shot of TOTAL2 Accounts

We have put togeth­er a short 3 minute video which neat­ly sums up what our new TOTAL2 farm accounts pro­gram has to offer.

To sum­marise, this is what TOTAL2 has to offer over and above Total Accounts:

  • View your cho­sen most impor­tant fea­tures on the eye-catch­ing home screen
  • More farm-spe­cif­ic reports such as Car­bon Audit Report
  • Easy to use colour-cod­ed calendar
  • Choose to run in the Cloud’ for mul­ti-user access from any location
  • Auto­mat­ic bank rec­on­cil­i­a­tion now also cre­ates new entries

If you would like Ben to give you a live per­son­al demon­stra­tion on your com­put­er with a chance to ask him any ques­tions, please book your free demo here or scroll to the bot­tom of the page to view the video.

Thank you to all those who have already upgrad­ed to TOTAL2.

Do You Use Farmplan’s Cat­tle Manager?

Did you know that Farm­plan are stop­ping sup­port of their live­stock soft­ware Cat­tle Man­ag­er?

Farm­plan are mov­ing all their Cat­tle Man­ag­er users over to the mobile app-based soft­ware Herd­watch and stop­ping all sup­port by May 2024.

We are aware that some live­stock farm­ers are not par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py about this change from Farm­plan to Herd­watch for a vari­ety of rea­sons:

- Herd­watch is pri­mar­i­ly mobile app-based which can make it more dif­fi­cult to prop­er­ly analyse data
- It does not link with all weighers
- Its report­ing abil­i­ty on herd per­for­mance and prof­itabil­i­ty is lim­it­ed
- There are high on-going annu­al fees

- It does not inte­grate with oth­er man­age­ment soft­ware, e.g accounts

SUM-IT’s Total Beef
over­comes all these issues and more.

We believe our cat­tle man­age­ment soft­ware is an ide­al alter­na­tive and upgrade to those used to using Farmplan’s Cat­tle Man­ag­er.

We are offer­ing all cur­rent users of Farmplan’s Cat­tle Man­ag­er a spe­cial 30% off Total Beef, plus free herd set-up.

Also, if there any live­stock farm­ers you know who may be inter­est­ed, please let them know and if they pur­chase, your sup­port bill next year will be reduced by £50 as a thank you! We have put togeth­er this handy leaflet, so feel free to pass on. 

Free Cake?

We are going to be out and about over the next few weeks and we are giv­ing away free cakes to cel­e­brate the launch of TOTAL2! So if you are in the area, please do swing by for a cake and a catch-up :-) 

Sat­ur­day 30th Sep­tem­ber, 9am

Shrews­bury Auc­tion Centre

Wednes­day 4th Octo­ber, 9am

Bath and West Showground

Wednes­day 8th — Thurs­day 9th Novem­ber, 8am

Newark Show­ground

Want To Spend Less Time In The Farm Office This Autumn?

In our lat­est blog post, we share 5 ways to reduce the amount of time you spend on farm admin.

  1. Stop Dupli­cat­ing Data

    It may be that you are cur­rent­ly hav­ing to dupli­cate the record­ing of data such as pur­chas­ing of cat­tle both in your accounts and then sep­a­rate­ly with BCMS for exam­ple. Or per­haps you are writ­ing down med­i­cine usage in a note­book and then hav­ing to cal­cu­late the impact on your gross mar­gin using a home­made enter­prise cost­ing spread­sheet.

    Choos­ing one dig­i­tal place to record all your data that links with all areas of your farm includ­ing BCMS, HMRC and any weigh­ing or ID equip­ment will save hours of inputting and record­ing the same data. Time to wave good­bye to those var­i­ous spread­sheets and note­books!

    Your future-self will thank you, espe­cial­ly when it comes to assur­ance scheme assess­ments and the like when every­thing will be acces­si­ble in one cen­tral place.

Read the oth­er 4 time-sav­ing tips here…

Need To Bet­ter Man­age Your Farm Diversification?

Have you got a diver­si­fi­ca­tion project on your farm? Did you know our soft­ware can be used to keep track of clients, jobs and invoic­es to help cen­tralise all your record keep­ing and ensure you are always on track.

From portable toi­lets to com­mer­cial lets, have a chat to us about which pro­grams would best suit your farm diver­si­fi­ca­tion enter­prise — you may be sur­prised at how sim­ple we can make it for you! 

Take a fur­ther look at our farm diver­si­fi­ca­tion software…

Get in touch or book your free demo of any of our pro­grams today.

Snapshot of New TOTAL2 Accounts Just for Farmers