Software Support & Training

You are nev­er on your own with SUM-IT.

We genuinely care about helping you feel happy and confident using our farm management software.

We are avail­able on the phone 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, plus 6 hours on Sat­ur­days, to help you out. We lis­ten patient­ly to your query and pro­vide you with the solu­tion you need – no fuss!

Support stats

Noth­ing is too much trou­ble for the guys on the end of the phone. Always seem to be hap­py to help me”

Some of the best back­up I’ve seen”
Kyle Farm Partnership

Choose The Best Sup­port Pack­age To Suit Your Business

All soft­ware pur­chas­es include 3 months free Gold Support. 

There­after, you can choose the best pack­age for your busi­ness. All three pack­ages include reg­u­lar updates to ensure your soft­ware remains able to link with reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies such as HMRC and BCMS/​ScotMoves+.

Farm software levels of support

We offer sup­port pack­ages from less than £6+vat/month.

Sup­port Hotline

Our Sup­port hot­line is avail­able 8am to 8pm (office hours are 9am to 5.15pm, mobile phone sup­port after hours) Mon­day to Fri­day, and 10am to 4pm on Sat­ur­days. When you call us, you get to talk to a human being, in Oxford­shire not overseas! 

All our sup­port staff have thor­ough train­ing in the soft­ware, many with agri­cul­tur­al back­grounds, and take the trou­ble to lis­ten care­ful­ly and guide you through your queries with a friend­ly and approach­able manner.

Annu­al Sup­port Con­tracts are offered in a choice of three levels: 


This lev­el is for those Users who wish to receive all updates but do not need to use the Sup­port line regularly. 

To keep links active to exter­nal agen­cies such as HMRC (for MTD VAT & PAYE) and BCMS/​Scotmoves+ (cat­tle pass­port appli­ca­tions and move­ment noti­fi­ca­tions) it is nec­es­sary to always be run­ning the lat­est ver­sion of the software. 

Should Bronze Users require help then they can access SUM-IT Sup­port via a Pay-As-You-Go tele­phone num­ber. Calls to the 0906 Pre­mi­um Rate line cost £1.10 per minute plus tele­phone com­pa­ny access charge, with­in office hours only. Calls from mobiles and some net­works may be con­sid­er­ably high­er.** Bronze Users need to phone 0906 5501086.


This lev­el is the next step up and includes access to our non-pre­mi­um rate tele­phone help from 8am to 8pm, Mon­day to Fri­day, 10am to 4pm on Sat­ur­days. It also includes all updates to the soft­ware, links to HMRC and BCMS/​Scotmoves+. Sil­ver Users call us on our reg­u­lar 01844 213003 phone line.


If you’re look­ing for an all-round pre­mi­um ser­vice to feel ful­ly sup­port­ed through­out the year, you can opt for our Gold lev­el of sup­port. All Gold users are safe in the knowl­edge that we will respond to their query straight away, whether this be via tele­phone, email or post. 

When you sign up to become a Gold User, you will ben­e­fit from com­plete peace of mind with our On-line Back­up ser­vice, mean­ing you will nev­er risk los­ing any of your Total farm records. 

Gold Users can con­tact our expert team 12 hours a day on 01844 213003 and we will also fix any data issues com­plete­ly free of charge.

Cus­tomers on our Gold sup­port pack­age also gain free access to our reg­u­lar online train­ing cours­es, ensur­ing you get the most out of your software.

Online Back-up

All Gold Sup­port mem­bers ben­e­fit from hav­ing the secu­ri­ty of know­ing their data is 100% safe and secure with our online back-up ser­vice included.

Nev­er wor­ry about los­ing your data again. Every sev­en days you can, with one click, send your Total Data direct to our secure Back­up Serv­er at Thame.

Online back-up can be added to Bronze and Sil­ver sup­port for just £2+vat per week.

Pro­gram Updates

SUM-IT Soft­ware nev­er stands still for long. All sup­port pack­ages include reg­u­lar updates to ensure any changes in agri­cul­tur­al leg­is­la­tion are implemented. 

We lis­ten care­ful­ly to feed­back from our cus­tomers with ideas on how to fur­ther enhance the software’s func­tion­al­i­ty. These are then con­sid­ered for devel­op­ment in future releas­es of the software.

With SUM-IT’s soft­ware updates, you can rest assured your record keep­ing is always in line with cur­rent leg­isla­tive requirements.

With 3 months free Gold sup­port with all soft­ware pur­chas­es, you will auto­mat­i­cal­ly get all our updates in this peri­od. There­after, you will have to sign up to one of our sup­port pack­ages to con­tin­ue ben­e­fit­ting from our updates.

Soft­ware Training

SUM-IT’s Total soft­ware is straight­for­ward to oper­ate on a day-to-day lev­el and the major­i­ty of queries can be han­dled by our Sup­port Line.

How­ev­er, to real­ly get the most from your Total sys­tem we pro­vide tai­lored train­ing on a one-to-one basis, either on-line or face-to-face.

One-to-one train­ing can be held either on-line, on your farm or here at our head office in Thame, Oxford­shire. This type of train­ing is gen­er­al­ly a more infor­mal struc­ture geared around your spe­cif­ic require­ments for your own business.

Train­ing top­ics may include:

  • Dig­ging Deep­er into Total Accounts: learn short­cuts, advanced fea­tures and the pow­er of reports
  • Make Your­self Appy: Dis­cov­er how our mobile apps (bovine, field, con­trac­tors, sheep) can help save hours of office admin time
  • Win­ning at TOTAL2: Using our next gen­er­a­tion of soft­ware to it’s full potential 

If you would like to ben­e­fit from an increased under­stand­ing of your soft­ware, please give us a call on 01844 213003 to dis­cuss options, pric­ing and spe­cial offers.

Accounts Year End Adjustments

Year end can often be a stress­ful time but we are here to offer sup­port. We can help you tie up your tri­al bal­ance and bal­ance sheet with your accoun­tan­t’s version.

Non-SUM-IT Soft­ware Support

If you are hav­ing gen­er­al prob­lems with your com­put­er, our team of IT experts can help you out! Per­haps your Win­dows PC is play­ing up or you’re strug­gling with a tricky Excel for­mu­la — you can give our pre­mi­um rate phone line a call which is charged at £1.10/min.

We also offer spe­cial­ist IT con­sul­tan­cy as well as bespoke agri­cul­tur­al soft­ware devel­op­ment. We’d love to hear how we can help, get in touch today.

** Pre­mi­um rate tele­phone sup­port ser­vice pro­vid­ed by SUM-IT Com­put­er Sys­tems Ltd (01844 213003)